Visual Source Code

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Support for Java in Visual Studio Code is provided through a wide range of extensions. Combined with the power of core VS Code, these extensions give you a lightweight and performant code editor that also supports many of the most common Java development techniques.

This article will give you an overview of different capabilities of Visual Studio Code for Java developers. For a quick walkthrough of editing, running, and debugging a Java program with Visual Studio Code, use the button below.

While using the VS Code Source Control UI can work, I highly recommend learning how to use Git from the command line, as those can be simpler to use, yet they give you more control over Git operations. Plus, they work even outside VS Code, as long as you have access to a terminal. As an example, the same branch merging operation can be performed from a terminal. Debug Source Files 'Do not look for these source files'. For some reason unknown to me, VS 2013 decided to place a source file there, and subsequently, I couldn't hit breakpoint in that file anymore. This may be the culprit for 'source code is different from the original version'. Automated Teller Machine System in VB.Net and MS Access Database with Full Source Code The Automated Teller Machine System is a software based system that is developed using Visual Basic 2015 and MS Access Database. This contains an admin section which controls all the functions of the system.


VS Code provides essential language features such as code completion, refactoring, linting, formatting, and code snippets along with convenient debugging and unit test support. VS Code also integrates with tooling and frameworks such as Maven, Tomcat, Jetty, and Spring Boot. Leveraging the power of Visual Studio Code, Java developers get an excellent tool for both quick code editing and also the full debugging and testing cycle. It's a great choice for your Java work if you're looking for a tool which:

  • Is fast, lightweight, free, and open source.
  • Supports many other languages, not just Java.
  • Helps start your Java journey without installing and learning a complex IDE.
  • Provides great microservices support including popular frameworks, container tooling, and cloud integration.
  • Offers team-based collaboration features such as Visual Studio Live Share.
  • Improves your productivity through IntelliSense and other code-aware editing features.

Install Visual Studio Code for Java

To help you set up quickly, we recommend you use the Coding Pack for Java, which is the bundle of VS Code, the Java Development Kit (JDK), and a collection of suggested extensions by Microsoft. The Coding Pack can also be used to fix an existing development environment.

Install the Coding Pack for Java - macOS

Note: The Coding Pack for Java is only available for Windows and macOS. For other operating systems, you will need to manually install a JDK, VS Code, and Java extensions.

If you have already installed VS Code and want to add Java support to it, we recommend to use Java Extension Pack, a collection of extensions suggested by Microsoft:

Alternatively, you can add Java language support to VS Code by installing the popular Java extensions by yourself.

Download VS Code - If you haven't downloaded VS Code yet, quickly install for your platform (Windows, macOS, Linux).

There are also other popular Java extensions you can pick for your own needs, including:

Thanks to the great Java community around VS Code, the list doesn't end there. You can search for more Java extensions easily within VS Code:

  1. Go to the Extensions view (⇧⌘X (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X)).
  2. Filter the extensions list by typing 'java'.

This document describes some of the key features included in those Java extensions.

Getting started

NOTE: If you are using VS Code on Windows and want to take advantage of the Windows Subsystem for Linux, see Developing in WSL.

Before you start, you must have the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) on your local environment. To run the VS Code for Java extension, Java SE 11 or above version is required; for projects, VS Code for Java supports projects with version 1.5 or above. For how to configure, refer to Configure JDK.

For developers new to Java or new to VS Code, we provide a Getting Started experience. Once you've installed the Java Extension Pack, you can open the Getting Started experience from within VS Code with the Java: Getting Started command from the Command Palette. Open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) and type 'Java: Getting Started'.

Working with Java source files

You can use VS Code to read, write, run, and debug Java source file(s) without creating a project. VS Code for Java supports two modes, lightweight and standard. Lightweight mode is ideal for scenarios that only deal with source file(s). If you want to work with a full scale project, standard mode will be required. You can easily switch from lightweight mode to standard mode, when needed. To learn more, see Lightweight Mode.

Working with Java project

There are three things you must understand to work with Java in VS Code:

  1. How does VS Code handle Workspaces?
  2. How does VS Code handle Java?
  3. How does VS Code handle Workspaces that contain Java?

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VS Code Workspaces

In Visual Studio Code, a 'Workspace' means a collection of one or more filesystem folders (and their children) and all of the VS Code configurations that take effect when that 'Workspace' is open in VS Code. There are two kinds of 'Workspaces' in VS Code, 'folder workspaces' and 'multi-root workspaces'.


A 'folder workspace' is presented by VS Code when you open a filesystem folder (directory) in VS Code.

A 'multi-root workspace' can refer to multiple folders (directories) from disparate parts of the file system and VS Code displays the contents of the folder(s) of the workspace together in the File Explorer. To learn more, see Multi-root Workspaces.

Java project in VS Code

In contrast to IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, or Eclipse, the concept of a 'Java project' is provided entirely by extensions, and is not a core concept in the base VS Code. When working with 'Java projects' in VS Code, you must have the necessary extensions installed to work with those project files.

For example, Maven, Eclipse, and Gradle Java projects are supported through Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat, by utilizing M2Eclipse, which provides Maven support, and Buildship, which provides Gradle support through the Eclipse JDT Language Server.

Install visual source code

With Maven for Java, you can generate projects from Maven Archetypes, browse through all the Maven projects within your workspace, and execute Maven goals easily from an embedded explorer. Projects can also be created and managed with the Project Manager for Java extension.

Visual Studio Code also supports working with standalone Java files outside of a Java project, described in the Java Tutorial with VS Code.

VS Code Workspaces that contain Java project

Assuming the necessary Java extensions are installed, opening a VS Code workspace that contains Java artifacts will cause those extensions to understand those artifacts and present options for working with them.

More details about Java project support can be found in Java Project Management in Visual Studio Code and Build Tools.


Code Navigation


Java in Visual Studio Code also supports source code navigation features such as search for symbol, Peek Definition, and Go to Definition. The Spring Boot Tools extension provides enhanced navigation and code completion support for Spring Boot projects.

One of the key advantages of VS Code is speed. When you open your Java source file or folder, within a few seconds, with the help of Lightweight Mode, you will be able to navigate your code base with Outline view as well as commands such as Go to Definition and Go to Reference. This is especially useful when you open a project for the first time.

Code Completion

IntelliSense is a general term for language features, including intelligent code completion (in-context method and variable suggestions) across all your files and for built-in and third-party modules. VS Code supports code completion and IntelliSense for Java through Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat. It also provides AI-assisted IntelliSense called IntelliCode by putting what you're most likely to use at the top of your completion list.

See also in Java Code Navigation and Editing. VS Code also supports a range of Refactoring and Linting features.


Debugger for Java is a lightweight Java Debugger based on Java Debug Server. It works with Language Support for Java by Red Hat to allow users to debug Java code within Visual Studio Code.

Starting a debugging session is easy, click on the Run|Debug button available at the CodeLens of your main() function, or press F5. The debugger will automatically generate the proper configuration for you.

Although it's lightweight, the Java debugger supports advanced features such as expression evaluation, conditional breakpoints, and hot code replacement. For more debugging related information, visit Java Debugging.


With the support from the Java Test Runner extension, you can easily run, debug, and manage your JUnit and TestNG test cases.

For more about testing, read Testing Java.

Spring Boot, Tomcat, and Jetty

To further improve your Java productivity in VS Code, there are extensions for most popular frameworks and tools such as Spring Boot, Tomcat, and Jetty created by the community.

The Tomcat extension includes an explorer to easily navigate and manage your Tomcat servers. You can create, start, debug, stop, and rename your Tomcat server with the extension.

See Application Servers to learn more about support for Tomcat and Jetty as well as other application servers with VS Code.

Spring Boot support is provided by Pivotal. There are also Spring Initializr Java Support and Spring Boot Dashboard extensions available from Microsoft to further improve your experience with Spring Boot in Visual Studio Code.

See Spring Boot with VS Code to learn more about Spring Boot support with VS Code and also Deploy to Azure Web Apps or Deploy to Azure Spirng Cloud to learn more about deploying Spring apps to Azure from VS Code.

Next steps

You may Sign up to follow the latest of Java on Visual Studio Code.

Learn more about Java in VS Code

Read on to find out more about Visual Studio Code:

  • Basic Editing - Learn about the powerful VS Code editor.
  • Code Navigation - Move quickly through your source code.
  • Tasks - use tasks to build your project and more
  • Debugging - find out how to use the debugger with your project

Working with Python in Visual Studio Code, using the Microsoft Python extension, is simple, fun, and productive. The extension makes VS Code an excellent Python editor, and works on any operating system with a variety of Python interpreters. It leverages all of VS Code's power to provide auto complete and IntelliSense, linting, debugging, and unit testing, along with the ability to easily switch between Python environments, including virtual and conda environments.

This article provides only an overview of the different capabilities of the Python extension for VS Code. For a walkthrough of editing, running, and debugging code, use the button below.

Install Python and the Python extension

The tutorial guides you through installing Python and using the extension. You must install a Python interpreter yourself separately from the extension. For a quick install, use Python 3.7 from and install the extension from the VS Code Marketplace.

Once you have a version of Python installed, activate it using the Python: Select Interpreter command. If VS Code doesn't automatically locate the interpreter you're looking for, refer to Environments - Manually specify an interpreter.

You can configure the Python extension through settings. See the Settings reference.

Insiders program

The Insiders program allows you to try out and automatically install new versions of the Python extension prior to release, including new features and fixes.

If you'd like to opt into the program, you can either open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) and select Python: Switch to Insiders Daily/Weekly Channel or else you can open settings (⌘, (Windows, Linux Ctrl+,)) and look for Python: Insiders Channel to set the channel to 'daily' or 'weekly'.

Run Python code

To experience Python, create a file (using the File Explorer) named and paste in the following code (assuming Python 3):

The Python extension then provides shortcuts to run Python code in the currently selected interpreter (Python: Select Interpreter in the Command Palette):

  • In the text editor: right-click anywhere in the editor and select Run Python File in Terminal. If invoked on a selection, only that selection is run.
  • In Explorer: right-click a Python file and select Run Python File in Terminal.

You can also use the Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal command to create a terminal in which VS Code automatically activates the currently selected interpreter. See Environments below. The Python: Start REPL activates a terminal with the currently selected interpreter and then runs the Python REPL.

For a more specific walkthrough on running code, see the tutorial.

Autocomplete and IntelliSense

The Python extension supports code completion and IntelliSense using the currently selected interpreter. IntelliSense is a general term for a number of features, including intelligent code completion (in-context method and variable suggestions) across all your files and for built-in and third-party modules.

IntelliSense quickly shows methods, class members, and documentation as you type, and you can trigger completions at any time with ⌃Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space). You can also hover over identifiers for more information about them.

Tip: Check out the IntelliCode extension for VS Code (preview). IntelliCode provides a set of AI-assisted capabilities for IntelliSense in Python, such as inferring the most relevant auto-completions based on the current code context.


Linting analyzes your Python code for potential errors, making it easy to navigate to and correct different problems.

The Python extension can apply a number of different linters including Pylint, pycodestyle, Flake8, mypy, pydocstyle, prospector, and pylama. See Linting.


No more print statement debugging! Set breakpoints, inspect data, and use the debug console as you run your program step by step. Debug a number of different types of Python applications, including multi-threaded, web, and remote applications.

For Python-specific details, including setting up your launch.json configuration and remote debugging, see Debugging. General VS Code debugging information is found in the debugging document. The Django and Flask tutorials also demonstrate debugging in the context of those web apps, including debugging Django page templates.


The Python extension automatically detects Python interpreters that are installed in standard locations. It also detects conda environments as well as virtual environments in the workspace folder. See Configuring Python environments. You can also use the python.pythonPath setting to point to an interpreter anywhere on your computer.

The current environment is shown on the left side of the VS Code Status Bar:

The Status Bar also indicates if no interpreter is selected:

The selected environment is used for IntelliSense, auto-completions, linting, formatting, and any other language-related feature other than debugging. It is also activated when you use run Python in a terminal.

To change the current interpreter, which includes switching to conda or virtual environments, select the interpreter name on the Status Bar or use the Python: Select Interpreter command.

VS Code prompts you with a list of detected environments as well as any you've added manually to your user settings (see Configuring Python environments).

Installing packages

Packages are installed using the Terminal panel and commands like pip install <package_name> (Windows) and pip3 install <package_name> (macOS/Linux). VS Code installs that package into your project along with its dependencies. Examples are given in the Python tutorial as well as the Django and Flask tutorials.

Jupyter notebooks

If you open a Jupyter notebook file (.ipynb) in VS Code, you can use the Jupyter Notebook Editor to directly view, modify, and run code cells.

You can also convert and open the notebook as a Python code file. The notebook's cells are delimited in the Python file with #%% comments, and the Python extension shows Run Cell or Run All Cells CodeLens. Selecting either CodeLens starts the Jupyter server and runs the cell(s) in the Python interactive window:

Opening a notebook as a Python file allows you to use all of VS Code's debugging capabilities. You can then save the notebook file and open it again as a notebook in the Notebook Editor, Jupyter, or even upload it to a service like Azure Notebooks.

Using either method, Notebook Editor or a Python file, you can also connect to a remote Jupyter server for running the code. For more information, see Jupyter support.


The Python extension supports testing with the unittest, pytest, and nose test frameworks.

To run tests, you enable one of the frameworks in settings. Each framework also has specific settings, such as arguments that identify paths and patterns for test discovery.

Once discovered, VS Code provides a variety of commands (on the Status Bar, the Command Palette, and elsewhere) to run and debug tests, including the ability to run individual test files and individual methods.


The Python extension provides a wide variety of settings for its various features. These are described on their relevant topics, such as Editing code, Linting, Debugging, and Testing. The complete list is found in the Settings reference.

Other popular Python extensions

The Microsoft Python extension provides all of the features described previously in this article. Additional Python language support can be added to VS Code by installing other popular Python extensions.

What Is Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the Extensions view (⇧⌘X (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+X)).
  2. Filter the extension list by typing 'python'.

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The extensions shown above are dynamically queried. Click on an extension tile above to read the description and reviews to decide which extension is best for you. See more in the Marketplace.

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Next steps

  • Python Hello World tutorial - Get started with Python in VS Code.
  • Editing Python - Learn about auto-completion, formatting, and refactoring for Python.
  • Basic Editing - Learn about the powerful VS Code editor.
  • Code Navigation - Move quickly through your source code.
Visual Source Code